Here are some links to information about development applications or ongoing projects that may affect residents of Carp and the region.
This information about projects and development applications is received from the City through routine messages to the President of the HCA. We are passing this on to the community for information purposes only. You can search the City’s “Development Applications” website anytime for more detailed information and updates; all projects can be searched under Ward 5. If you wish to ask a question or comment on the proposal, the contact information for the assigned City Planner will be listed for each proposal.
Note: Some project applications may not appear online on the City’s website, and may not be found when performing a search. According to the City’s search tool, “Applications must include all required plans, studies and have completed their required circulation to technical agencies and registered community organizations before posting online.” See more information at the bottom of this page regarding the criteria for being listed online.
This is not intended to be a full list of projects, but we will update the list as new messages are received. Both independent and City-initiated projects may be listed.
Links will open in a new tab in your browser.
The items below are generally in chronological order by date of posting to this website, with the most recent items appearing first. Some recent items may not appear in chronological order if they are a sub-item of another major item.
- 273, 275 Russ Bradley Rd. – 12 self-storage warehouse buildings
- 3711-3725 Carp Road – Karson Holdings – Plan of Subdivision
- 147 Langstaff Drive – Notice of Passing of a Zoning By-law 2023-338
(see other documents regarding this project below) - 1500 Thomas Argue – West Capital Airpark Phase 1B-2 Zoning Amendment
- 1500 Thomas Argue – West Capital Airpark Phase 1B-2 Plan of Subdivision
- 4 Campbell Reid Court – Site Plan Control, 1 storey building
- 3718-3722 John Shaw Zoning By-Law Amendment
- Donald B. Munro Repaving 2022
- 2431-2441 Diamondview Zoning By-law Amendment Proposal (to protect prime agricultural lands from being converted to other uses) – No Longer Listed
- 232 Donald B. Munro – Community Heads Up – supporting documents to be posted later during circulation period.
- 2727 Carp Road – Subdivision
- Minor Zoning Variance – 190 Robertlee Drive Carp
Notice, Circulation Map and Site Plan - Committee of Adjustment Applications for July 21 2021
a) Application Summaries re: 1042 Julia, 3140 Stoneridge, 758 John Kennedy, 13 Heather, 269 Pinhey’s Point
b) Meeting Agenda July 21 2021 - City-wide zoning amendment to permit on-farm diversified and agriculture related uses in rural zones – No Longer Listed
- March Road Sanitary and Watermain Upgrades (Notice to Residents)
- 927 March Road Subdivision
- 2822 Carp Road – Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control submission for 2 commercial buildings and Automobile Body Shop zoning.
- 437 Donald B. Munro – Christine McCuaig, Maple Leaf Custom Homes
- 200 Russ Bradley Road (Carp Airport) – CannaGenetics Cannabis Production Facility
– No Longer Listed - Committee of Adjustment (Panel 3) Agenda July 8 2020 (188 Robertlee)
- Application Summary (Amended) – 147 Langstaff Drive
This is an amended version of the Planning Circulation document for 147 Langstaff Drive listed below. - Planning Circulation – 147 Langstaff Drive
- Ward Boundary Review 2020
- Highway 417 and March Road Interchange Improvements
- 200 Golden Line Road Zoning Amendment
- Official Plan Amendment – Reduction of Single Detached Housing Percentage Requirement
- 1020-1070 March Road Plan of Subdivision
- 1020-1070 March Road Zoning By-law Amendment
- 210/215/220 Maple Creek Court – phased warehouse development
- Notice of Passing of By-law 2019-320 (regarding 2596 Carp Road, below)
- 2596 Carp Road Concrete Batching Plant
- Carp Water Treatment Facility Upgrades
- Amendments to the floodplain overlay, approved by City Council (see item 5, 23 October 2019)
- General Information: (PDF File) The City of Ottawa 2012 Carp Community Design Plan
The City of Ottawa includes the following information regarding projects that are available online.
Applications must include all required plans, studies and have completed their required circulation to technical agencies and registered community organizations before posting online. The City makes every effort to post new information on development applications on this site as the information becomes available, however, some delays may occur.
Applications are only available online if they are subject to public consultation, meaning that the application falls into one of the following categories:
- Site Plan Control
- Official Plan Amendment
- Zoning By-law Amendment
- Demolition Control
- Plan of Subdivision
- Plan of Condominium