HCA Membership 2024

Membership Proposal

A proposal to establish a formal membership requirement for the Huntley Community Association was tabled and approved through a By-law amendment presented at the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday April 25, 2024. New regulations of the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) require members to be registered, therefore our former definition of an HCA member simply based on place of residence being within our catchment area was insufficient.

Members of the Association must be 18 years of age or over. Being a member of the Association does not imply any commitment beyond the right to vote on motions presented at Association meetings. An online membership database that can be self-administered is something we will work on following the creation of an initial member list.

Membership Fees

While a possible annual membership fee has been discussed, we did not propose establishing a fee for this year. We would simply like to create a list of people who want to register as being a member of the Huntley Community Association. Only registered members may vote on motions presented at a meeting of members of the HCA.

Becoming a Member

If you would like to become a member of the Huntley Community Association, please complete the Membership Application form that is now available. Your information will not be publicized, and any personal information included will be protected and kept confidential. (* see footnote below regarding ONCA right to access)

Go to Membership Registration Form

* The Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) includes certain limited conditions under which a member may be granted access to the names and addresses of members of the HCA. A request for such access must be presented in writing to the HCA, and include a Statutory Declaration by the requestor that includes the requestor’s name and address, and that the use of the information will be related to specific activities of the Association. The right of a member to be provided with a list of members and their addresses is outlined in Section 96 of the ONCA.